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Sanguinetti and Company, LLC is a for-profit business, but we offer significant hours, valuable resources and  professional skills pro bono to a variety of philanthropic, community service and volunteer projects, both in the USA and in Kenya. By sponsoring our work you are contributing to our goals to serve children, women and other vulnerable members of society through business, social enterprises and sustainable projects we are involved in.

If you have reached this page, perhaps one of our project pages has brought you here and you are interested in sponsoring that project! Thank you! Please click any of the options below to submit your sponsorship support and we will be sure to add your name, your company or organization to our list of valued SPONSORS contributing to the chosen project. Your funds will be used by our company to effectively deliver the services we have dedicated to your project of interest. 

Thank you! Asante sana!

Lexy Sanguinetti, Founding Consultant


Checks can be made payable to:

Sanguinetti and Company

125 S. State Road 7,

Suite 104-414

Wellington, Fl 33414, USA

For questions about sponsorship:

Email us

Click the yellow button above to access the payment page. Enter any amount you wish to sponsor our company for by typing the dollar amount in the price box, appearing next to the up/down arrows.

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